Poker Card Guards &

Poker Card Guards & 

Poker Card Guards & Next time you are all-in with a monster, or are running a huge bluff, ask yourself if you are leaking anything away. 2 FBI Lie Catching Techniques And What They Mean To Poker Players .

A recent study published in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin called “Evaluating Truthfulness and Detecting Deception” pinpointed 2 areas of one’s body that leak out clues that give a liar away.

As poker players, we seek liars every hand we play in. We are getting lied to every time we enter a pot. These 2 clues are key to elite poker players.

“Body language” is the study of body movements and subtle shifts. Like the hands, arms, torso and the head. Since these are the most visible at the table, as a poker player you must understand what subtle movements can mean. Here’s what was published in the FBI Bulletin:

Conversely, the nonverbal behaviors of truth tellers remained much more consistent.


Research has shown time and time again that the face is the most genuine part of our bodies. The face simply doesn’t lie.

Forget about putting on a poker face. From the FBI Bulletin:
Facial expressions of emotion, including macro-, micro-, and subtle expressions, are universal and independent of race, culture, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, or any other demographic variable. All people express emotions on their faces in exactly the same ways. Moreover, they are immediate, automatic, and unconscious reactions.

These are incredible characteristics of facial expressions because learning to read them means that someone can the upper hand on almost any player. As poker players, we seek liars every hand we play in. Poker Tells Are Money Makers When You Know What To Look For…

Josh’s face betrayed him completely.
Hardly noticeable if I had blinked for too long.
Josh flashed a microexpression of contempt.
Josh flipped Ts8s, and I took down a massive pot.
This single hand, or I should say this single river call propelled me to one of the chip leaders of the tournament and help me cruise to the final table.

I pick up tells like this EVERY TIME I PLAY POKER.

There is a HUGE misconception in the poker world about the accuracy of physical tells. Many players dismiss tells because a player can show a tell and be strong, while another player with the same tell will be weak.But does that stop you from studying your opponents’ betting patterns?

Well the same goes for poker tells.
One single twitch or facial expression can mean lots of things.
In my hand at The Venetian, that single contempt tell, in a vacuum, is almost meaningless. Since winning that tournament in Las Vegas, friends and fellow players have come to me asking me to help them out with reading poker tells.

So ever since that day, I’ve helped players with my articles in Two Plus Two Magazine, my blog posts on this site and interviews on My articles published in Two Plus Two Magazine.various poker radio shows.

By helping these players, I started to notice some patterns.
I really didn’t feel like setting up a complete teaching system, but my friends kept bugging me to put some sort of book so I can pass my skills to other poker players.

But, a book is really not the best way to teach poker tells. Presenting TellsKitchen: A Blueprint On 12 Advanced Poker Tells That YOU Can Turn Into Cold Hard Cash After going through the video course, you’ll be able to easily know if your opponents are strong or weak, just by watching them and observing the way they behave.

Learn the most important poker tells as: Disgust, The Eyebrow Flash, Neck Rubbing, Lip Pursing, Distance Tells and a lot more inside… when you know these tells, you’re way ahead of most poker players (can you now see yourself dominating the game? Can you see yourself raking pot after pot?)

The insanely powerful ‘baseline’ strategy expert interrogators use to catch suspects red-handed…and which YOU too can apply to sharpen your deception detection skills.

Accurately read your opponents so you’ll know whether they really have a strong hand, or they’re only bluffing Decipher effectively the gestures and facial expressions of other players so you know whether a player is under a high level of stress — or is displaying true confidence because he has a strong hand Learn poker tells quickly with my unique teaching method (I start you out with the basics of a gesture or display so you understand the scientific background and how it is used in different contexts — so you have a better understanding of human behavior and body language…)
We then go even deeper in understanding the specific gesture or display by showing you clips of real life, e.g. reality TV shows and TV interviews which are non-poker situations (in this way, you get the whole, broad concept… and will then be able to analyze various scenarios effectively — whether in poker or in your life!)

You get detailed analysis of each clip that I show you inside (so I take you by the hand and show you exactly what to look for to read poker tells correctly — you definitely don’t get this level of training by just reading books, or from other courses out there)

The unique student-friendly teaching method I use makes it easy for you to grasp the killer concepts quickly… Get a better read of your opponents so you can adjust your play accordingly

(hey, I reward action takers! I will make sure they’ll get more out of this course so they crush poker games like crazy, Guaranteed!)…

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